TKC 28



Udomsak Krisanamis has been a prominent figure in the Thai contemporary art scene for over the past three decades, and is best known for his distinct collage technique experimenting with everyday objects and found materials including but not limited to newsprints, cartons, noodles, maps, and paint, offering a unique imagery that is both formal and conceptual. His journey has been volatile, with great recognition, e.g., through shows in Sydney Biennnale (1998), Museum of Modern Art (1998), Kunsthalle Basel (2003), Museum of Tokyo (2012) or the Mori Art Museum Tokyo (2017). After a quieter period it is wonderful to see Udomsak Krisanamis regain recognition, e.g., in the recent SEA Focus show during Singapore Art Week. Tim Neuger and Burkhard Riemschneider have been great advisors for our collection and we are grateful we could get to know Udomsak Krisanamis through them. And we are thrilled to welcome one of his major works in our collection.

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2 King’s Close
Singapore 268184

M. info[a]

Content: John Silvis
Design and development: PEACH Wien